Fraud Blocker Wild Origins Safari: Botswana and Zambia - The Wild Source

Wild Origins Safari: Botswana and Zambia


From $14,850 per person 

Trip Dates:

May – November (price based on July 2025)

Trip Length:

15 days
A hippo yawns in the water

Trip Details:

This safari centers around the diverse wildlife and rich habitats of Botswana and Zambia, both considered premier safari destinations and distinguished by their iconic expedition style under the care of exceptional guides. Your camps in Botswana are in private concession areas where you have access to exclusive wilderness, off-road driving, night drives, walking, and boating. 

Zambia’s South Luangwa National Park is the birthplace of walking safaris and also famed for its leopard sightings and night drives, often providing glimpses into the lives of secretive nocturnal creatures. Having a private guide and vehicle allows for more time and flexibility in observing wildlife behavior. It is a rare treat to walk in areas where animals are habituated to humans on foot. South Luangwa is without doubt one of Africa’s most game rich parks but unlike most National Parks there are satellite bushcamps where you can have the entire park to yourself and the rules allow the freedom of both walking safaris and night drives.

View Full Safari Itinerary:

This safari features a number of exceptional factors. Wildlife sightings are astounding, camps are set in magical locations, service is supreme and the standard of guiding is very high.


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