Fraud Blocker Itineraries for Safaris in Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, More

Origins Safari Itineraries

Return to the Roots of Safari with
The Wild Source Origins Collection

The Wild Source Origins is a new collection of adventure itineraries that hearken back to the roots of the Original Safari Experience.  Each itinerary is more of an expedition than a vacation, with off-the-beaten path adventures like mountain trekking, remote wilderness camping, kayaking, multi-night canoeing, community projects and authentic cultural experiences.

Each itinerary still places an emphasis on the quintessential wildlife viewing experience with game drives led by expert naturalist guides.  Each itinerary has been customized for distinct experiences suited to the destination but the common thread is connecting with nature, wildlife, and people on the African continent. Travel with purpose, support conservation, empower local people and establish your foundation in the safari experience.  We hope through your Origins trip you will place new roots on the incredible continent that we can all call Home, as this is hopefully your first of many trips to the wild untamed origins of humanity.  

Origins Itineraries


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