Safari Planning Team
Meet Clara Moore
Clara Moore
Safari Specialist, The Wild Source
Clara’s passion for Africa began when she spent a semester abroad in Tanzania studying
wildlife conservation. After graduating from the University of Colorado with dual degrees in
Environmental Studies and Evolutionary Biology and Ecology she returned to Africa to live and
work with Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia and Save the Elephants in Kenya. Upon
returning to the States, she began her foray into the travel industry to keep her connection to
Africa while being based at home.
She has traveled extensively throughout 22 countries and 44 states. Some of her favorite travel
memories include helping communities build beehive fences in Kenya to mitigate human
elephant conflict, flying in a small microlight plane over the mighty Victoria Falls, galivanting
through a coastal and marine wonderland in the Galapagos Islands, following in Jane Goodall’s
footsteps tracking chimpanzees in Gombe National Park, and getting to take her whole family
on their first safari to Tanzania.
What she loves most about being in the travel industry is getting to share some of her favorite
places with other people who have the travel bug! She loves getting into the nitty gritty details so
that trips run effortlessly. She believes that everyone should have an opportunity to visit Africa
and loves getting to be a part of peoples’ safari planning experiences. In her free time, you can
find her embracing all things Colorado like skiing in the winter, hiking with her puppy, and
enjoying outdoor concerts at Red Rocks Amphitheater.