Fraud Blocker Brooke Mitchell Director of Conservation

Safari Planning Team

Meet Brooke Mitchell

Brooke Mitchell

Director of Conservation, The Wild Source

Raised in the Appalachian hills of southern Ohio, Brooke has had a passion for nature all of her life. Growing up, she’d spend hours watching wildlife documentaries and exploring her forested home. When the time came to choose a career, she knew she wanted to dedicate her life to furthering big cat conservation.
In undergrad, Brooke studied Zoology at The Ohio State University and later received her Masters in Conservation Biology from Miami University (Ohio). If you’ve participated in The Wild Source’s Big Cat Research Project, then you’ve seen Brooke’s Masters work in action! During grad school, Brooke found the power of sustainable travel for wildlife conservation and shifted her career from zookeeping to the travel industry.
Brooke has been all over the world studying and experiencing wildlife phenomena. A few of her travel highlights include snorkeling with whale sharks in Baja California, island hopping across the Galapagos, searching for polar bears off of Hudson Bay, tiger tracking in Nepal and India, guesting on a Women in Conservation documentary in Tanzania, and enjoying multiple safaris throughout southern and eastern Africa.

In January 2021, Brooke felt inspired to launch the Rewildology Podcast, a show that explores conservation, travel, and rewilding the planet. She hosts guests from around the world and dives deep into their stories, why they dedicated their lives to conservation, and the discoveries they’ve made throughout their careers.

Brooke is excited to use her conservation and sustainability expertise toward accomplishing The Wild Source mission of creating lasting wildlife conservation.


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